Saturday, 15 August 2015

Firefox Appdays

And finally, the Firefox OS app development event stated in Tirupati after a postpone of programme for a week..
   There is a flood of new fsa's into the crowd as they are very much interested in app development
The event started by an icebreaker session by Dinesh Mv in which all the attendees expressed their willingness to learn something from us..
Later I took upon the session and told them what is Firefox OS, its beginning, developer community for Firefox and several such things. I taught them about b2g kernal and their terms used explained  about ide for wiring app code and told about the languages that are used in the development of Firefox OS apps. 
And then Uday took over the session and taught the students about HTML and CSS.

Then there was an introduction to Mozilla community and FSA programme to all the new fsa's by Dinesh which is followed by an hands on session for practising HTML in web ide .
Later they were taught about the manifest file and how to deploy an app and submit for review by Dinesh.
All the attendees were very much happy about the event and they were looking forward to participate in further app development programmes conducted by the community and we were very happy at the response and are looking forward to conduct more and more events on app development which gives the students develop many apps for Firefox OS.

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