Friday, 1 January 2016

Hour of Code @RatnamSchoolTirupati

Event name : HourOfCode- Tirupati

Description : The hour of code is an event held for improvising the computer knowledge of the school children.
As a part of Teach Mozilla, the initiative of promoting open web has been put forth.

Agenda :
Making the school children aware of
1) Computer and its components
2) Hardware elements of a computer
3) Block diagram of a computer
4) What is software?
5) What is internet?
6) What is a Web browser?
7) What is a website? ,about URL
8) Using internet, advantages
9) What is HTML and its introduction.
10) Demo session about developing a static page using basic tags.

The event THE HOUR OF CODE is held in Ratnam High School, Tirupati. The children were 7th and 8th standard ones and were very enthusiastic about learning about computer. The event started with my talk about a computer. I just wanted to make the session interactive, so, started with a questionnaire about computer physical devices. Later I asked what a computer is and went onto discussion about software, hardware, etc.

Then Dinesh took upon the session and spoke about the block diagram of a computer and explained clearly about it to the children.
Then I told them what a web browser is and explained about websites and internet.
Later Dinesh showed them a demo of using internet, followed by describing the advantages of internet. Then he told them about HTML and I explained about various tags by showing them a demo of the tags and building a basic webpage.
Later there was swag distribution to the attendees and the children were happy for those.

My special thanks for Rep Gautam Sharma for supporting us to organizing this event and making it a success.
We wish to organize some more Hour of Code sessions in different schools.

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